
Determinants, meanings and implications of sex diversity in sociocultural, medical and biological landscapes

Mission statement

What constitutes biological sex, and how does it develop and differentiate? What implications arise from the categorization of sex? The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) investigates the diverse manifestations of physiological sex in different contexts. In an effort to explore this subject comprehensively, 17 distinct projects from biology, medicine, neuroscience, social sciences, and humanities are joining forces during the first funding period (2024-2027) of this research network. Employing an inter- and transdisciplinary approach, these projects consider the relevant levels of analysis of sex – ranging from cellular and organ levels to organisms, social systems, and epistemic cultures.

By characterizing the determinants, meanings and effects of sex on each of these levels, the CRC aims to gain a better understanding of sex in terms of biological and somatic differences. The research perspective goes beyond a purely binary model of sex and follows new scientific findings that show that sex is multifaceted and can manifest itself differently on several levels and in different contexts. These determinants and their interrelationships across all levels will be systematically examined.

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Involved institutions and departments

The CRC brings together outstanding scientists, researchers and clinicians from the Universität zu Lübeck and the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. In addition, there are selected external experts from Berlin, Flensburg, Magdeburg, Munich and Hanover with expertise in DSD research, gender research and jurisprudence.

to the institutions involved